Weekly Wishes: Blogging Newbie, Gilmore Girls, and Laundry

I'm jumping on the bandwagon [does that word show my true Southern side?] with this whole "Weekly Wishes" linkup sponsored by The Nectar Collective. If you want to know more about this linkup, or if you would like to go ahead and join in on the fun yourself, check out the link here. Otherwise, to summarize the point of this fun linkup is to basically to share our goals and dreams with each other in hopes of creating an uplifting and positive community.

Okay, so let's get started!

My Weekly Wishes:

1. The fact that I'm jumping on this whole blog thing...yet again, is in fact a wish of mine. I can't believe I'm actually giving it a go this time for realz for realz, but here I am! Let's hope I can keep this thing going! Scratch that; I will keep this thing going. Positive thinking people, positive thinking.

2. I got a nice big pile of laundry staring me down right now, and although laundry may not be a proper goal, I'm claiming it. See, ya girl only does laundry maybe every 2 weeks, but sometimes it can get as bad as once a month. Don't worry, I'm not one of those people you want to force into a shower and throw all their clothes away. I just happen to have too many clothes, and I may possibly stay in pajamas most of the week. Shhhhh.

Apparently I've been living on this theory for a few weeks now; pre-rest, pre-rest, pre-rest, pre-rest?

3. I need to put down the Gilmore Girls. Seriously Netflix, I was against you because I found nothing interesting to watch at first, but now, now you hit me with this? Do I dare admit that until this month, I had yet to see a single episode? gasp. I know, I know; it certainly can be shameful, but I will be happy to let you know that I am already hitting up Season 4. However, the fact that I've only been lost in Gilmore Girl World for 3 weeks, and I'm already on Season 4 is indeed shameful itself. Ah well, at least I'm finally getting my money's worth, and it's just in time since we just moved to a new state once again, and I have yet to build a life here. #ThankYouNetflixForBeingMyFriend [too long of a #?]

I believe Ms. Kim would not be happy with my lack of productivity lately.

Oh, and as a honorary #4 on my list: can I please find the Gilmore Girl World or be adopted into their family?

Well, I think that's all I got in me for this week. Cheers to us all hopefully completing our goals!


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